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Math Competitions: AMC and More!

Updated: Nov 11, 2020

With COVID making it difficult to participate in your favorite extracurricular activities, maybe some of you are looking for something new to do during the school year? Academic competitions are a great way to challenge yourself, meet new people, and get your fill of extracurricular activities in a safe way. That’s why we’re going to be letting you know about a variety of competitions that you or your child can be involved in right now! Today we’re looking at one of the kinds of competitions with the most variety and options: Math!

The American Mathematics Competition (AMC)

Register for the AMC 8 with Veritas Education this year!

Age Range: All students, but mostly middle school and up.

Team or Individual: This is an individual competition

The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) hosts this competition for 3 age groups:

  • the AMC 8 for students 8th grade and below,

  • the AMC 10 for students 10th grade and below,

  • the AMC 12 for students 12th grade and below.

The goal of this competition is to strengthen the mathematical capabilities of the next generation of problem-solvers. Through classroom resources and friendly competition, the MAA AMC program helps America’s educators identify talent and foster a love of mathematics. Students who perform exceptionally well on the AMC 10 and AMC 12 competitions may even be invited to take exams that can qualify them for the International Mathematical Olympiad!

How do I register with Veritas Education?

This year, it’s easy to register for the AMC online! Participating schools and organizations are able to sign students up for proctored competition sessions. The registration deadline for AMC 8 (11/03/2020) is coming up fast. So click the link below to register for our proctored session! AMC 10/12 registration deadlines are in early January of next year.

Veritas's proctored competition session will be on Sunday, November 15th at 9AM. See you there!

Other competitions:

The MathWorks Modeling Challenge

Age Range: High school juniors and seniors

Team or Individual: Team

MathWorks Math Modeling (M3) Challenge is a contest where students experience what it’s like to work as a team to tackle a real-world problem under time and resource constraints, akin to those faced by professional mathematicians working in industry. Extra credits awards are available for teams who choose to write or employ outstanding code as part of their solution. The Challenge awards $100,000.

How do I register?

Registrations for the 2021 competition will open next month. Keep an eye on this link to sign up for a chance to compete!

The MathCounts Competition Series

Age Range: Middle school (grades 6-8)

Team or Individual: Individual

The MathCounts Competition Series is the nation’s premier middle school math competition. There are four levels of competition: chapter, chapter invitational, state and national. For the first three, students compete as individuals, but can compete on teams at the national level. Practice competitions are held in schools on October 15, November 15, December 15 and January 22. Team coaches then choose up to 15 students per school to send to the chapter level competition, where students can win the right to continue to state and national levels. Subject matter includes geometry, counting, probability, number theory, and algebra.

How do I register?

Students must register with their school and attend practice sessions. Check with your school today: there’s still time to get involved before participants for the chapter-level competitions will be selected!

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