Enrichment Courses
TJ Test Prep: Writing
At Veritas Education, we are dedicated to preparing our students for a competitive world. This means that we offer our students the opportunity to grow not only academically, but as a whole person.
We understand that a student's journey with TJ goes far beyond the test prep, and even the test itself. We are confident that we can fully prepare our students to grow and reach their full potential during their time at TJ.
TJ test prep:
TJ Writing Class
The TJ Writing Exam has changed, are you prepared?
Learn more about what the new exam entails, and how to best prepare for it!
The most effective TJ Writing Class!
This course will cover:
Purpose of writing: An overview of TJ’s Writing test
Self-discovery: Personal accomplishments/strengths/goals
Student Portrait Sheet: Brainstorm ideas and outline best-fit answers to demonstrate your achievements and key qualities
Personal statement development - learn to advocate for yourself since teacher recommendation is no longer required
Math/science word problems!
Classes are limited to 12 seats to ensure individual attention!
Please Note:
Early bird offer can't be combined with other discounts
Must be registered and paid by the deadline to receive the early bird discount
TJ's Application Portal
What TJ is looking for in a student?
Did you know?
Hear what our students are saying about this course!
Veritas Education students are admitted to:
Harvard University
Princeton University
Cornell University
Duke University
Georgetown University
College of William & Mary
Get on track for your dream school today!
"Today I was offered admissions to TJHSST. I am very happy and proud, and I would like to thank you for your weeks of effort preparing me for the test, even after the class was over. Thank you very much."